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Inch’s Natural Lawn Care serves both residential and commercial customers throughout Adams, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, and York counties.

Lawn Care specializing in creating thick, dark green and healthy lawns that are environmentally-friendly and we are rooted in sound agronomics and the pursuit of being the best stewards possible for our environment. We have developed custom fertilizer blends that reduce the impact and keep the nutrients where you need them, in the soil; slowly feeding the lawn and its roots. We are proud to provide superior results at competitive prices to our customers while creating amazing outdoor living spaces for you and your family to enjoy.

Official agronomist for the Lancaster Barnstormers.

Learn more about our commercial services >>



Professional, Dependable, Accountable, Trustworthy, Capable, Family-Oriented.

Given our love for living outdoors, Inch’s Natural Lawn Care promises to overlook chemicals that are harmful to the environment. To be better stewards of the environment through the selection of products that will not only enhance lawns but do so in a manner that is safe for you, your pets, and your outdoor living space.

Our Mission

We are leading the lawn care industry through the applications of science and sound agronomic practices. One customer. One lawn. One community at a time.



The Architecture of Your Lawn

For more than 15 years, Inch’s Natural Lawn Care, has used a custom approach to Lawn Care. We create fertilizer analysis blends, applications methods and release characteristics that give us unique and proven results for each of our customers. More importantly, we have designed our programs to give you longer, deeper color, while building on the basis of a stronger root system to help your turf grass ecosystem reach its fullest potential.


Our team has an extensive background in the agronomy field. We always pursue better solutions that reduce our footprint on the environment. We embrace the challenges that micro climates and potentially poor soil conditions provide us with. Utilizing our teams vast knowledge and experience, we are able to provide our customers with results we are proud of. By using the soils complex ecosystem to our advantage, we are able to provide unparalleled results.


Customer Reviews



List of Services


Pre-Emergent Crabgrass Control

Crabgrass is a highly-aggressive, summer-annual weed that robs your lawn of nutrients and water It uses the stolen nutrients and water to rapidly reproduce and quickly overtake your lawn. The lawn in your outdoor living space can be protected by creating an invisible barrier that prohibits the germination of crabgrass seeds though the application of a pre-emergent product


Weed Control

Like crabgrass, weeds, such as clover, dandelions, ground ivy, spurge, wild violet, and more, compete for the same nutrients and water in the soil profile. Our integrated weed management programs (IWM) rid your lawn of unsightly weeds by applying product to the weeds, and only the weeds, at the appropriate time of the season.

Preventative and curative Grub Control

Grubs, a by-product of eggs laid by June bugs, Japanese beetles, Northern masked chafer, and oriental beetle, to name a few, are some of the most destructive lawn pests during the summer months. Their destruction can be stopped with a single application of a preventative grub control product. If the grubs are not prevented and an outbreak occurs, a curative control product must be applied to eradicate the infestation. Once the infestation has been removed, your lawn will need to be re-seeded. Curative control products and re-seeding procedures are costlier than preventative control products.


Core Aeration and overseeding

When natural and unnatural forces compact your soil, a yearly, fall aeration relieves the compaction. Aeration permits better moisture penetration and better nutrient absorption in soil. It further allows a gaseous exchange in the root zone, which promotes a denser root system. Aeration even reduces thatch. An aerated lawn is better-equipped to handle the stresses of the coming season.

Granular Aeration

Granular aeration works on the microbial population by increasing the Carbon to Nitrogen ratio, accelerating the microbial population exponentially. As the populations explode and grow, their structure and waste products create pore space for water and roots to fill. As the microbes die, their waste and physical structure are broken down to become available (fertilizer) for plant uptake. This process can be done anytime of the year without making a mess or effecting treatments. One advantage is opening the soil up in the late Spring or Summer will allow more potential water to infiltrate to be available to the plant for uptake through the root system.

slit-Seeding and Lawn Restoration

Certain varieties of grass are more susceptible to insects, disease, and drought. Should your grass fall victim to insects, disease, or drought, Inch’s Natural Fertilization and Pest Control will re-seed portions or all of your lawn, selecting only the varieties of seed that are the deepest-rooting, the darkest green in color, and the best-equipped to resist environmental threats.

Flea & Tick Control

Our Flea and Tick program is applied on a 60-day interval keeping you and your pets protected all season long


Mosquito Barrier

The Mosquito program is applied on a 45-day interval. Start protecting you and your family today from the many viruses that these pests may carry.


Preventative and Curative Disease Control

Inch's Natural Preventative and Curative Disease Control Program consists of three visits during the high-stress, summer months of July, August, and September.  The treatment prevents and cures broad spectrum diseases.  When the turf is not utilizing its plant energy to fend off and fight disease, it is healthier and lusher. 


Nutsedge Control

Light lime green in color, Nutsedge is easy to identify in early summer when it typically begins to germinate and then grow two to three times faster than the turf.  Inch’s Natural’s Nutsedge Control Program consists of two applications.  Treatment kills existing top growth.   It also reduces future tuber populations in the reproductive structures within the ground by 25% the following summer.  Nutsedge is aggressive and requires several years of treatment following infestation.


Corrective Lime (Calcitic / Dolomitic) Soil Treatment

If you are not satisfied with the growth or appearance of your lawn, Inch’s Natural can test your soil to determine if it has the proper pH balance. 


Specialty Weed Diagnosis and Treatment

If you spot a pesky weed in your lawn, Inch’s Natural can identify it, diagnose it, and recommend a treatment plan to eradicate it. 



Spotted Lantern Fly (SLF) provides protection for susceptible trees such as Maples, Willows, Black Walnut, Birch to name a few.  They can be protected with a systemic control product applied to the base of your tree (s) trunk.  The control product will penetrate the bark and translocate upwards through the vascular system to where pests feed and offers season long control.  Highly effective against numerous pests including SLF, Emerald Ash Borer, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, and other borer insects.



Fall Army Worm

In the Late summer of 2021, our area had its first outbreak of Fall Army in over 25 years, causing widespread damage to lawns unexpectedly. Fall Army worm has multiple life cycles a year but can be controlled with just one application if timed correctly.


Live outdoors & enjoy your LAWn

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We create a personalized program for your outdoor living space.
Schedule your consultation and add environmentally-friendly value to your home—keeping family members (and pets) safe, too!
